Monday, February 28, 2011

A Blog review -- 365 Shakespeare

I found a very interesting blog, that I would like to highlight -- 365 days of shakespeare.
Despite her apparent aversion to capital letters, the author of this blog has taken upon herself the challenge of reading the entire works of Shakespeare in 365 days.  She started on January 1, 2011, so she just two months into her project, but has already read:

Comedy of Errors
Venus and Adonis
Henry VI, part 1
Rape of Lucrece
Henry VI, part 2
The Phoenix and the Turtle
Henry VI, part 3
A Lover's Complaint
Richard III

That's pretty impressive.  Since January I have read Hamlet, Richard II, King Lear, Taming of the Shrew, and The Winter's Tale.  Not nearly as impressive.

But the interesting thing about this blog is the way in which she rewrites the scenes in modern language, putting her interpretation on it as well.  For example, here she takes the scene from Richard III where Richard meets and woos Lady Anne.

I will definitely be following this blog, reading her thoughts and experiences as she takes on this ambitious project.  It will also be interesting to see her reactions to plays that I have read and enjoyed.