Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blog Review: Christopher Welcker

Christopher Welcker: Thine Own Adventure
  • Posts
    • Quantity - It is hard to tell, the posts are not linked together in any way.  I would suggest linking to previous posts that relate to the same topic, or at the very least using labels that could be used to find all posts on similar subjects.
    • Content - Most of the posts are long, lot of research has been done, a lot of explanatory posts.  Media is used, but mostly just simple clipart that are only somewhat related to the text of the post.
    • Format - Titles are good indication of what each post is about.  There is good use of the jump break, splitting up the long posts.  Tags or labels need to be used.  This will help with the overall organization, and help readers find other related posts.
  • Research
    • Thematic Focus - The focus seems to be about Shakespeare's life and how much we actually know about the man, and how that knowledge affects a reading of the plays, or how we can learn about Shakespeare by reading what he has written.
    • Thesis & Cohesion - The thesis seems to have developed well over time
    • Sources - I like the Works Cited page, there are some good scholarly sources there
  • Personal & Social
    • Author identity - There is no About Me on the blog, no author information
    • Documentation of Process - There are a few posts about movies and documentaries that he has seen and what he has learned.  
    • Interactions - He does have a post describing an email to and response from a scholar
  • Design
    • Appropriate to Theme - The design looks good enough for this purpose.  
    • Side content - Blog archive is useful, but I would also suggest adding tags or labels to the blog posts and then adding a tag cloud to the side to help readers find posts baed around certain subjects.  
It's a good blog, but a little hard to tell the overall focus or the general theme.  Each posts needs links back to previous posts that deal with the same subject, labels and tags would definitely be helpful, as well.