Monday, January 31, 2011

Taming of the Shrew: An Overview

This week we are taking a look at Shakespeare's comedies.  I originally signed up for Twelfth Night, but after today's class discussion, and talking about Taming of the Shrew, I am thinking that I will read this play.
I have read this play before, but not really all that well.  I was in this play in High School, but I just memorized my part and was done with it.  I am looking forward to a more involved reading of this play, especially looking at the ideas of feminism and gender roles and family relationships in the play.  I will also be reading this play in English and German, comparing the language and the phrases used to see if there are any distinct differences in the play in these two languages.

First: The title in German is Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung, which is Taming of the Unruly, Rebellious, Wayward, Stubborn.
I don't know if that changes the meaning or interpretation of the play at all, but it at least makes it a little more understandable.  I remember the first time I heard about the Taming of the Shrew I thought it was about an actual shrew, the little vole-like animal.
Wouldn't be hard to tame, honestly.
Well, we'll see what else I find as I study this play in depth.  Stay tuned.